The Holy Cross Home and School Association exists to help foster the relationship between home and school so parents, administrators, and teachers may cooperate in the ideals and delivery of a Catholic education. Through the effort of dedicated volunteer officers, Home and School coordinates parental participation in various fundraising activities throughout the year. These funds support the educational goals deemed by the faculty and administration through support of all Home and School members and likewise provide community-building opportunities for social interaction with the entire school family. Home and School Association meets regularly and provides invaluable assistance to the administration in integrated and efficient ways. The Principal and pastor will help chose candidates and will make the final determination of the Home and School officers.
HSA Volunteer Opportunities
The Holy Cross Community offers many opportunities to share in the school experience with your children. The parent volunteers are essential to the success of school and fundraising activities throughout the year. Listed below are efforts that volunteers support in the school and parish.
School Opportunities
HSA Committees
HSA Parties (All Saint’s Day, Christmas and Valentine’s Day)
Teacher/Classroom Assistance (copies, reading, classroom helper - per teacher’s request)
Field Trips
Lunchroom Volunteer
Athletics – coach, coach’s assistant, help at sporting events; admissions, concessions, Scorekeeper
Club supervisor or volunteer
Field Day
Meal ministry
Parish Opportunities
Eucharistic Ministers